Actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death case has gained momentum. New twists and turns are coming in front of the Bihar police who are also investigating the matter now. It all happened when the late actor's father K.K Singh filed a 6-page long FIR against his son's then-current girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. A lot of people have been re-investigated by the police in the case including director Rumi Jaffery, actor's cook, personal staff, etc. However, Rhea and her family are nowhere to be found. The 'Jalebi' actress on Friday came out in the public light and claimed that 'truth shall prevail." Meanwhile, a tug of war between the Bihar and the Mumbai Police seems to have taken place. Senior Bihar Police officer Vinay Tiwari, who arrived in Mumbai on Sunday to assist the state police team probing the death of the Bollywood actor denied any lack of coordination between the two police forces. Catch all the updates related to the actor's death here:
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