The fearless Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has turned a year older on March 23. Her debut film Gangster released in 2006, where she played a troubled woman in love with a gangster. The actress' early filmography include films like Woh Lamhe, Life in a... Metro and Fashion, which also earned the actress her first National Award. In between, she appeared in a string of Bollywood duds such as Shakalaka Boom Boom, Raaz: The Mystery Continues, Vaada Raha, which almost pushed her into oblivion. Her career got a new lease of life with the 2011 hit romantic-comedy Tanu Weds Manu. Though she did some forgettable roles in movies likes Game, Rascals and Tezz, her performance as rebellious Tanu in Aanand L Rai's film stayed with the audience. Three years later came Vikas Bahl's slice-of-life, inspirational drama Queen, which was not only a box-office success but gave Kangana a hold in the industry like never before.
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